McAllen Daily Press from McAllen, Texas · 3 - WELCOME TO GEEZYWAP

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Monday 21 August 2017

McAllen Daily Press from McAllen, Texas · 3

McAllen Daily Press from McAllen, Texas · 3 nAttsott ftf.tY ftiSf 'it ih ' HOMING PIGEON RETURNS WANT AD'S TO FORMER OWNER 2,000 For Sale or Trade: IP Dr. C.H.Kershaw MUES AWAY FKOM TEXAS WICHITA FALLS. Aug. 12. (IKS) tng orchard Jut oat eld of dty I - A tU of HeAIlea let no show yoa ttta, FOR WENT Furnished, flvw-room bouse, modern with gsaage. Second nana aartn. of T. V. MBcaefi Jn Ham jh nhire addition. Call B. B. Realty Company. Soath iwlwy. atpJsi-300 Many have meen the tales of long-dis it a real isrvestatent. OnkVnta Go. Mums U. ISM tooadway. tance hitch hiking dogs, cats and (what nots, bat B. W. Ward has a pigeon which outdid at least soma of the FORMATE Prssh, Milch tows, food Jerseys. St A. Kofao. on west Hldal Suit it out-tea as wham Ten acres Citrus land, trta scree ta trees, part bearing. Font room noma, close to McAllen A bargain at ffiSA per acre. Ward bought the bird two years ago co road. 6tp-197-20l Doyle ta, and I'll threw you out of Wishes to announce trwTenirig of his office in V the Nelson Buifcrifig foyiheractice of Osteopathy, August 15, 1929. from a Batavia, 111. fancier. He brought FOR CHEAPEST AND BEST loan it to Wichita Falls aad caged it-, D. W. ROWS SON Realtor dry roxkrbsi soar washing to 305S along with several hundred other rac WHAT BAS lUPmtD SO PAlt Mobbr Oorl. bamea by Oasser Don arilkas aad bla nana and smtenod to SMaan tor Winy yaara tor kUUnc a aollraena, Is atdad ta aoaae from Jatt hy bis denote, Bmb Bamtt. SB m aaslsud br Joanny tb Boa, a dope Band, who bMes Boh ta a awrat room m hts-aoarUMQi Ta Say attar Beh-hys ranm. Dua Wllkasle vlattad la -hla aovrtment br an oju duawd wvmao. esa wbo damaoda money to BclB Mike, on ot the tans, woo ta lata wttn a euaabot wddsS. Doo here, oive -as use -an ox apuwi, and you Jmow what happens 1'' . johnny's fingers twisted together. Be veioe was a dry rasp oraeay. "SUf. tor Qod's oak, have a beast, Doyle end his gM are the only two friends I got. Don't maka me arose 'em i" ing .pigeons he owns. 1S17 Broadway htcAUea,' -Neath Itta street. -Roagh dry Sc. finish 7c. shirts 15c. dresses 20c. Work guaranteed. 3vtp-lS-227 On Juno 27, while he was training the bird, it escaped and flew out of Hons For Rent: Faraiabed or nfarnlshed. C. H. Brit ton. Phono 35 or 187. tf-US. sight. On July 6, just ten days later. sa nt e itj bat finally give otm U H nmm bean ciTlac Beeb Ward received a message from the man in Batavia from whom he bought the UUiaa bar that It U due Bob- WANTED FOR TRADE Valley lands and orchards for north and west Texas income properties also improved farms. Look our listing over. Dan-ley-Wordea Co, Mr-Alien, Texas. bird, that it had arrived there. The distance flown iwtas approximately 2000 miles. Lower prices on NEW rUHNTTUBJI srrivtng ds3y. A Ttslt to fat stars will convince yon. HARRIS FDRNTTUSK Oa On ntghway next to Cook Teed On A State Fair Is to FINANCIAL Will buy well-secured notes and make loans on acceptable collateral. A. NIX, Phone 316. McAIlea. Wtp-200-227 TRADES: We tare parties who wish to exchange their city property (or improved farms, and parties who want Have Big Circus to trade their farms for city property. i i jrtrf r a t i. SITUATION WANTED By middle-aged lady aa housekeeper, rooming house or restaurant work. Experienced. Call telephone 28. 3tp-199-201 also have foreign property to trade S. aao ia aviaantrr ta iot wita aer t tin H that Johnny la bMint Bob-br. aad tolla inspector Wllmot and MS? Myara, aaawaed to the eaac to aw lib the dope fiend. Bin docs ao, aad bHows hba an day. Maanwbn Beeb vlaMs Bobby, bat lost before abe leaves him tb dttaetiv arreata Johnny. 1F t trith ta ttory. CHAPTER IX. f TB sad protested helplessly on his sTl way to headquarters, but Bid had shot him up "What have I dona? lust '!' nnr what I're done!" "You'll Bad out soon enough And abut your mouth meanwhile " There came over Johnny's hirt a nameless dread. Bitterly, he wi'hed aew that h had taken a larger shot of the drug that last time. If this wore off. before they wer through wtth him! Biff Myers, never relaxing hi grit-frum Johnny's arm. guided bin. mtr Inspector Wftmot'a office The In spec tor was out. but K el ley tnri Tamaur. two plain clothes men were Hagenbeck - Wallace Group Will Offer 32 Exposition Performances He saw the hard mouth and cool eyes of Biff Myers, aad his pleading died away. Biff leaned forward. "Your tan units 1a is nlmost up. Tommy, you can take bis "No! No! Don't touch me" Johnny screamed suddentiy. "Oh my Oedl I'm unsella '" H rocked himself forward, and buried his head in his bands. In s law. scarcely audible tone, bo said: He's he's he's hiding np at say bouse" "You're a rotten little liar" Biff said "I was up there today. Listen, kid. if you don't come clean. God 'lelp you that" a all!' tell you he's up st my boos There's panel behind the bed. he's in the attic " Biff Myers got up. Be laughed, lifted bis arms above bis head "Get ou of here, you squealer!'' he said in another tone. He turned to the others "Get out the car. KtUey Taxe Goxrin, Schwartz. Cromtwrgfc aad Dick Brown. On ths button this is a big night." Johnny the Hop rawled like a dying man through the doorway end found himself an the street He stood there in a kind of dare, brushed his hand over bis eye ones or twice, muttered to himself. Then, all at unre. his shoulders went down as If in final surrender. He felt n h pockets tor money, then lumped itc tor Valley property. B. B. Realty COMPANT Realtors Across street McAllen Daily Press alllC J ft FOR RENT 4 rooms, furnished, private bath, garage, gas available, rant 825 month. 2 reams furnished, batik, ams available, rent 415 month. 2419 N. 12th street. 3tP-2M-203 FOR SALS OR RENT: Several SERVED AT OUR FOUNT aw homes, on term. Or vltt aaSd to salt hayer. Orchards and farm laad for sale or tsade. It will fay jjb tsJ aee as for bargains. aaXXMOK UETEL- sitting there looking 'h:oug 'the I OPMENT COMPANY. tf-lSH 'Moat ererybody in town knows it. Now that you know it, come in and put your foot DALLAS, Aug. 12. (Sp) The largest "traveling too" in the world will be seen at the 1929 State Fair of Texas when Hagenbeck-Wallace circus plays a 32 performance engagement as the grandstand attraction. The Hagenbeck-Wallace circus has the largest number of trained and performing wild animals and the largest menagerie in the circus world. The Hagenbeck-Wallace circus was organized years ago by Carl Hagen-beck, the greatest animal man in the entire world and B. E. Wallace. The circus was formed in order to educate the circus public in the merits of iwUld MS SALhV-Six xssm stucco residence, dose to business district, beautiful shads tress, a asms place, ptetaly fmnofehed. SSJM takes it. Get busy. newspapers. They glan-d uo ev pecUBlly at the sight of Kill '8weatlag Jthn..y The detective pushed Jnhiny 'ntn a chair, stared at him fur a long '.me I on the rail. . D. W. ROWE and SON South Broadway REMINGTON Cash Resistor Sales Afsacy Phono (72 Bex 1 15 Mc Allow HOTICI Two Tracks for aaaDnc trash and nbfeuh. An Mas ot haana. taUcosa, Phono SSL WANTED Man with rig to put M1UU3 down well. CH. Swallow. Telephone SS McAllen or No. 1U Alamo, ltp-201 sntmJal nets in a show, and 'o to give the Hagenbeck wild animal farm FOR SALE Who wants 35 Rhode in Germany an outlet for their train Island ami Asa, all good layers, 1 FOR RENT 14 room hotel, partly years oH? Can Chamber of Commerce. ed animals. Most all of the performing animals seen in circuses today- furnished. bosiaesa district, also 3tp 201 208 have furnished and unfurnished houses come from the Carl Hagenbeck Tier- WANTED TO TRADE Half sec It. park near Hamburg, Germany. tion improved land In western Central for rent tf B. B. Realty COMPANT Realtors Across street McAllen Dally Press in addition to their performing hy Illinois for Rio Grande Valley im proved farm property. Address Box BRENH0LTS AND LANDRY McAUen. Texas JJ1. McAllen. 3tp-8W 294 enas, Hons, tigers, leopards, panthers and tebras, the Hagenbeck circus will bring to the state fair the largest nurdber of performing elephants ever banded together in the history of the circus. AUCTIONEERS! If yon was a sale, sea COBLE RALSTON. IS years selling experi ence selling nveatoek, general mer X if. chandise, real aetata and farm sales. Room 1. Osborn Building. McABsa. F3 Keep youth longer! conse the system cf poisons ft detective paased Joans late a caaar aad otsred et Mat tor e leap Met urvrir-E- Rieht now is the time to make investments in the Valley, we have a few mighty good bays at the present time that we can sell worth Save Food and SAVE MONEY to nata the mosey, come in and let as snow yon s good investment. B. B. Realty COMPANT .Realtors Across street McAllen Daily Press sKmmstinsi To keep yoer- ssif tree fiesn bath thorn fnwiisnndmV cnltiss wiU heap you to stay young. Wit tks ast at Majol ywa can ds tea. for Nuiol shsorbsMv bow las them off, preventing their br the body. Nojel sme tsa waste matter and brings FOR SALE 7 acres, there re 4 1-2 acres in orange and grapefruit trees. S room honso and other oat buildings located aear the city limits of McAllen. this a one of onr greatest hays, corns in and let as show yos. BAR Realty COMPANT Realtors A. roes street McAllen Daily Press abial awmsl evarnatioa. It ia hana- or medicme. ItwoaaaasmsaiSBPrpxagBe Every nCact that stomach sr kidneys. dmevjat hss MaioL stake snrs roa sue ths csauiBe. Look for the fcnjofhottMwttu the mhelon the back tbiVVsa saa nsd right Snrough ths ImttsL Osan aWay. gnt Nuioi today. with this dependable LEONARD ICEWAY Refrigerator aritb a sour smirk. Then be barked suddenly: "Doyle ia in this town laying op somewbere. and you know where hat place is!" "I doaX" Johnny muttered. "What eia.'ies you think I'd know." "Because of the run around you gav ma today. Because of a lot of other things I'm not telling you. smart boy." "1 was only doing that for fun. Johnny said 'Teh? Weil, that's all the fun you're going to have." Ke'ley. the youngest of the detectives snauped "Where's Doyle. Johnny?" Bift Myers demanded. "I don't know," Johnny repeated, bat there was n whin of fear In bis voice Biff turned, nodded to the other two. Johnny's nerves Jumped. He sat oa the edge of his chair, gripping it. wishing they'd let him go, they'd give ap trying. But nt Biff's nod. Kelley turned off the light. The room aras plunged late matanl blackness at the efaek of tb switch Out of the darkness came Johnny's frightened voice, hke the voice of a scared child: "What are yon goin to do? Biff you ain't goin' to heat me upT" Biff's voice wss level and hard "We ain't goin' to do ao'htag, aid. but ait bare in the dark aad tell you a little story. We don't Save to beat you up, Johnny. We're goes to tell yea e tittle story shout the oaorgue. Ever been there? The little low. damp building down by the river, where the poor rata who have died masse thee walls are taken T Ever been there, Johnnvr Caaght Wtth the dead - He did not snawer. but they beard hie lew. sibilant intake of breath Be was fighting bard to beep hi Serve "You got a bad habit.' Br went aa ia als leisurely way. as if be bad all the nme in the worid. "It'a going ta be tough, when yon don't get any WE WANT TOCR LISTINGS. We have mod and city property in Mis soori, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Kansas to trade tor Valley land, and J property. Give as a trial See F. P. MUea Son, or phone 378, McAllen, Texas. 25tp-189-35 n nearby cab, aad gave the address of Beebe Barrett's apartment He scarcely knew what was making him go there now. Bat somehow he bad to tell her, he had to admit the truth. It wouldn't square things, but it was the only thing be could do. An Aeeuastlon But when he opened the door ot Beebe'a place, end saw her wild eyes, saw Mary standing close at her side, and Don Wilkes with them, ho know already that they knew, ton, Hew could they There waaal time yet for the pottos to have arrested Bobby. But be saw aecaoa Hon on every face. Then Beebe burst oat: "Oh, Johnny, you dldnt squeal you couldn't have dene that!" "1 did. 1 bad to. It's what I earns here to tell you." There was a short laugh from Don "Yea. yon did! Ton earn hero tr tell all right I If I hadn't agured oat why you were going there, you'd have kept your mouth shut "Johnny! Johnny ! Blast's eases wss like a wail of despair. "Oh Gad they'll take aim again TB sever see him egain Johnny, how eoult your "They wore going to lock aao ap take the stuff away from sna, 1 couldn't stand it. Bmba." "Oh. If I'd bod your ehaace. I could have died for him!" she sale hysterically. Dapper Don nodded oensoBngty "It a pity you ellowsd the Mttls rat to know all ho did. Why dids'i yon toll me instead?" "1 did taB yea. I didr oho crisd though she ssaresly secsaed to know what It was she was saying. For one moment the opera turns! to return to Johnny's Mftltta apes. "Tom him what?" ho asked "I told aim yon had Bobby bidden but 1 dMnt tell him where." "Toa told htm that!" But she did not answer. She claai to Mary sow. ta her anguish, an Mary shut at la etllspsi, with aeb shaking bar voice, faltered: "Beebe. Beebe. what are ws go tag to doT" "I dent know. AH 1 know at I can't stay here. I'm going . . ." 666 la a PfeeorlpMsn for CiStas Fcrcr in llaJara. It Is the sssst sBssdy rsssawy kawwa FOR SALE German Police pnpniea. Subject to registration. M. A. Bale. No. C Anthony Arms Apartments, North Metn street. 4t-lS-2M For Sale or Rent: New fire room homes, cash or terms. Orchard and farm) land for sale. Sea as before sarins'. Milmor Development roanneny. FOR RENT Beautiful new ataero BIO GRANDE VALLEY UAltriiaiCAKlTE W(KXS THE EDUCATOR la Cathay Court. Phoas tp-198-2v3 a W. ALSRICHT, Pros. 11TN T. ANO UTH AVE. McAUen Sen 429 tssetad assth Mala St. CaU aad sss my new stock oa din am. Carload f new finish ed marbles teat arrived: alar tarlmva ot graatts If you have felt the need of a good iwWP'' ator but have not, for bought one4et us show yon the EDVJLAi u" which 1. Priced at less than WMjnd can be bought on mopthly payments. or the stun. .They tell aw the ia bod the a big. strong bot Protect your family against summer ills by serving properly kept foods. Save money by eliminating waste. Save. too. by taking advantage of a VERY SPECIAL PRICE which we are offering now when you need a refrigerator most. The LEONARD ICEWAY Is substantially made for long fears of service, and scientifically insulated to insure correct refrigeration. It wilt be entirely adequate to all yonr needs. We would appreciate an opportunity to show you just how well this good refrigerator can serve you and how much it can save for you. Come in and ; ; fee it. The reduced price is moat ' moderate and you may have the benefit of easy monthly Its beantlfnl. that new cream stucco ta Mllmor Addition. See the six tares rooms, the bath aad extras. Toa will just lovs it. Pries right, with, terms. See Mllmor Development iotag? -Where?" Don Withes Dr. X N. GOODWIN CNCRAi, PRACTICE and OBSTETRICS Rssma 21 and 2s NOTICE TO LADIES The Palm Fruit aad Vegetable stand "1 dent knew. Ta i tors-to him. I've got tabo there. Oh saa agate reopened with a Una. To win get everything Ma. McAHsa. TenSS rm hah? out of my mind, wu yea eomo with ate. Maryr "My car's eutaia.- Don eaid al that, aa gently aa ho oouM. TU c Ran: 187 OvUss: and save money by buytaa- there. zCta-191-234 sand had grabbed your Inside in awful grip and was squeezing I've beard team yelL it don't sound wetty-" "Biff, for God's sake, put en the Ight I ahVt done aothtn'-" ' Lets of fallowe wtth your trouble, lohnny. have croaked right to here. I'v seen em later right over ta that into dead boos I was tsOmg you shout Now then. Johnny, vou'r lotag to Uli aa what yon know, or ea r going to loch you up hero without aaythtag gt that? without ssaong that you gefs have' There was a sodden ovc tarnation sTom KeBey: "Biff, he's chewing sseiilblsg Biff bad leapt forward, grabbed Johnny the Hop, while the ether detecMvs switched ao the BghL la another tnetaat, BUT bad Booby Doyle's saost paeent letter to Beaks M bla angers. Ho turned triumphantly upon iehnavy. wbeeo face bad turned the taae you tr you west ta go." ' b She a diaperats effort She west eat of Doa Wilkes FRESH FRUITS aad VEGETABLES every day at ths Palm Fruit Stand. Always cheaper. Oa Pharr highway, aoxt to Proses Custard stand. the door with Mary, tallowed thesv At door IbsebT 18 ho tamed atauad Jonas was shV uauj at m DSS. V. L an. HA A. D AVT3 OS1XOTAT113 CSwaa d "Toa aula ret!" said TB give you tweaty-four hour to tat eat or town.' BOMB LATJNDRT AB worry taken from the hnlj washing. Ws do homo laaadry work-Oar Work Is strictly asa sJaes aad Kan MA eat mwmm cm sen sat thorn, ovea HOm t Sttwwt Q.0GC3TT Cbrata-zrro the e a "So you don't know aavtMag. asar bo said. "New then. tB give tasWduari work M eniafnjBp ysttymght- amdLsm AwW (To I after. Lass years of aipiilssM n la Lanadry Work. B. a CONWAY. 13S Bsmflt Uth Street tttttffl Smart Boy turns an Android phone into an old-school Game Boy Hyperkin is releasing the Smart Boy as a developer kit initially, to help the company improve the planned full retail product View gallery - 3 images No matter how far games advance, nostalgia for simpler times will never fade. Independent hardware developer Hyperkin is known for banking on that nostalgia, releasing products that give classic games consoles a new lease on life long after the original manufacturers have moved on. Now it has announced the Smart Boy, an Android peripheral that allows old Game Boy and Game Boy Color cartridges to be enjoyed on a smartphone. The device slots over the bottom half of an Android phone, adding tactile buttons and a D-pad in the all-too-familiar layout of the original big grey brick, while the top half of the phone's screen is left free to display the game itself. Cartridges slot into the back, and the device will run games from both NTSC and PAL regions. There's a double-sided micro-USB slot built in as well. For now, Hyperkin is only releasing the Smart Boy as a developer kit, so the device comes with an open source serial app and firmware, which the company hopes will get people fiddling with it and improving the current build ahead of its planned launch as a retail product. To incentivize developers, Hyperkin is offering a royalty scheme for sales of the final product to anybody who can advance the firmware. There's no word yet on whether an iPhone version of the Smart Boy will be available, which is interesting given that's a complete reversal of the concept's original announcement back in May last year. Initially an April Fool's joke that snowballed into a real product, back then the device was designed specifically for the iPhone 6 Plus, with Android compatibility coming at a later date. The next question of course is what niche does the Smart Boy fill? There's no shortage of ways to play Game Boy games now: Nintendo's current handheld, the 3DS, lets you download many of the major titles on its Virtual Console store. If you still have the cartridges, you can play them on Hyperkin's own Retron 5, a console that also plays Game Boy Advance, NES, SNES, Sega Genesis and Megadrive games on your fancy new TV. But honestly, if you still have the games, chances are you still have the Game Boy itself too, since those things are as solid as a Nokia 3310 and still running reliably almost 30 years later. If yours has gone to the big e-waste center in the sky, you could pick up a secondhand one for probably the same price as the Smart Boy, if not cheaper. If you do have or want the cartridges, have an Android phone, don't have a Game Boy, and wouldn't mind the chance to fiddle with the hardware and potentially earn some royalties, Hyperkin estimates the Smart Boy will ship December 1, for US$59.99. Source: Hyperkin View gallery - 3 images UPGRADE TO NEW ATLAS PLUS New Atlas is now offering a premium service. Backed by 15 years experience covering science, technology and innovation, New Atlas Plus delivers a visual experience that is cleaner and faster loading, in an ad free environment. Join the growing list of Plus subscribers for just US$19 a year. UPGRADE Corey Taylor Nearly Died on His Last Night of Drinking 12 Years Ago Slipknot frontman Corey Taylor has recalled how he nearly died by falling off a hotel balcony on the last night he got drunk. The episode, which took place in 2003, forced him to rethink his attitude to drinking - but 12 years later, he believes he still has more to do. Taylor tells Spotify Metal Talks (via Metal Hammer): "I found myself hanging off the balcony of the hotel room at the old Hyatt House on Sunset Boulevard. I was just about to fall and a friend of mine grabbed me and pulled me back. If he hadn't, I'd be dead. "The next day I woke up on the floor, covered in God knows what - sick, sweaty gross - and I just said, 'I can't do this any more. What the hell is going on with me?' That's when I started to take those first faltering steps." Slipknot were recording "Vol. 3: The Subliminal Verses" at the time, and Taylor admits it's difficult to listen to the 2004 release because his changing approach to life included a changing approach to vocals. "I'm not sure if it worked, to be honest," he says. "It worked for some of the songs, but not all of them." He adds that it took a long time before he learned to feel comfortable with himself. "I knew who I wanted to be. You can't be a better person until you just start being a better person." And the process of "building bridges" continues, he says. "It took 10 years, and I'm kind of starting to feel the good part of that. But I'd done a lot of damage to a lot of people, and I'm still trying to make up for it." Slipknot released their video for "Killpop" yesterday.

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